To all the students, families and friends of Grade 5, welcome to week 12. We hope everyone enjoyed a SPOOKY weekend.
We are starting to think about trimester projects and it will be a busy couple of weeks. Take a look below for what's happening this week and notice the early release and schedule change this week.
We are starting to think about trimester projects and it will be a busy couple of weeks. Take a look below for what's happening this week and notice the early release and schedule change this week.
Upcoming and Important Dates:
Monday, Oct. 30 - Early Release Day (All students dismissed at 11:30 am)
Tuesday, Oct. 31 - House event assembly 7:55 am - 8:25 am. Parents welcome
November 5 - 9: Last week of ASA Session 1.
Tuesday, Oct. 31 - House event assembly 7:55 am - 8:25 am. Parents welcome
November 5 - 9: Last week of ASA Session 1.
Wednesday Nov. 1- A MONDAY schedule
Tuesday Nov 7- 5K assembly
Nov 7-9- Visiting Poet Ken Nesbitt
Egypt Culture Field trip coming up, details to follow soon
Tuesday Nov 7- 5K assembly
Nov 7-9- Visiting Poet Ken Nesbitt
Egypt Culture Field trip coming up, details to follow soon
From the ES library
Digital Intelligence and your Children:
21st Century Libraries for Parents session, October 25, 8:30 am. Join us in the MHS library for a presentation by our Information Services Director, Santha Kumar, on how to develop digital intelligence at home. Among other topics, we’ll be discussing how to develop a family tech plan and controlling screen time for children.
Kenn Nesbitt visit:
US poet and performer Kenn Nesbitt will be visiting CAC from November 7 to 9. Mr. Nesbitt is a dynamic performer who is sure to keep us entertained with his humorous poems and his tips on writing for children. He will have a school wide performance on Thursday, Nov. 9, 7:55 to 8:25 am in the ES Hall. He will be available for autographs after school on Tuesday and Wednesday. Books will be on sale at the front gate that week. His books are available in electronic format on the ES library catalog and on our Overdrive collection.
Core Value for November:
This months core value is compassion. We invite you to have conversations at home with you child about what is compassion and how can we demonstrate compassion.
We will be reading the book "Four Feet, Two Sandals" by Karen Lynn Williams and Khandra Mohammed and talking about compassion in the classrooms and around school.
Please check out THIS video of our book this month. Enjoy watching it with your child and discussing the message and theme of the book. Puppet Show:
Monday October 30th students will enjoy a special shadow puppet show. The performance is adapted from the homonymous illustrated book (published in Brazil in 2016) using the language of shadow puppets, by the book's authors: Egyptian-Brazilian writer Habib Zahra and Spanish visual artist Valeria Rey Soto. Valeria plays the violin and melodica while Habib manipulates the shadow puppets, which talk, walk and dance, not only on the screen, but also on the walls, floor, and ceiling. The language of the show will be Portuguese.
The plot: Mr. Biu is an old man who does not let his age nor death end his joie de vivre. Despite living alone and being the target of much criticism and envy, he lives smiling and dancing, cheerful and carefree. He's got music, dancing and, above all, an acute awareness of his deep connection with nature. One day, Death decides to come fetch him. But, upon arriving at the old man's house, she is received in a totally unexpected manner...
Duration: 40 minutes
Recommended for adults as well as children 4+
Cathy Berger Kaye:
Cathy Berger is a consultant on leadership and service. She will be working with our coaches, house team captains and student leadership on Monday October 30th.
Circle Solutions:
In circle solutions we will be focusing on the power of kindness. What kinds of words do we use with others and how to we view ourselves and others.
Curriculum Corner
Writer's Workshop
This week students are taking a close look at the poems they have written and the poems that have inspired them. We continue to work on Glogster and students will publish their three favorite poems. The students also need to explain their choices in writing one of their poems and in choosing their mentor text poem to write about as well.
Students have been invited and are encouraged to take their writing notebooks around with them where ever they go. You never know when an idea may come to you or a story may be created. We want live and breath like writers!
Students have been invited and are encouraged to take their writing notebooks around with them where ever they go. You never know when an idea may come to you or a story may be created. We want live and breath like writers!
Reader's Workshop
Math Workshop
This week we will have our M3 pre-assessment. This gives the teachers information they need to properly guide and write their lessons for M3.
We continue to look at multi-digit whole number division this week and how to use estimation and multiplication to check our work.
Don't forget to click the link below and find some helpful tips and strategies for this module:
Don't forget to click the link below and find some helpful tips and strategies for this module:
Social Studies

Have a great week!
Your Partners in Education:
LeeAnn Kasal:
Bonnie Greene:
Jonathan O'Sullivan:
Caitlin Johnson:
Jonathan O'Sullivan:
Caitlin Johnson: