TWiG5: This Week in Grade 5
Welcome to Global Math Week!
This week there will be some fun math activities around school and in class to embrace Mathematics and
spread the joy of learning Math!
Ask your child about their Math experiences this week.
GLOBAL MATH WEEK: Learning, Exploring and Having Fun With Math
It’s a global phenomenon happening now, across the entire globe. The joyous uplifting mathematics of Exploding Dots is being enjoyed by one million – YES! One Million! – students and teachers across the entire globe this very week!
- Tuesday, Oct 17: Global Math Week Parent Workshop 8:30-9:30 AM.
Tuesday, Oct. 24: No Assembly
Thursday, Oct 26: Halloween Parade at 2:30 PM. Parents are welcome.
Friday, Oct 27: Halloween Carnival from 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM.
Monday, Oct. 30 - Early Release Day (All students dismissed at 11:30 am)
Tuesday, Oct. 31 - House event assembly 7:55 am - 8:25 am. Parents welcome
November 5 - 9: Last week of ASA Session 1.
Tuesday, Oct. 31 - House event assembly 7:55 am - 8:25 am. Parents welcome
November 5 - 9: Last week of ASA Session 1.
From the ES library
21st Century Libraries for Parents: Digital Intelligence
Join us on October 25 for a talk with CAC Information Services Director, Mr. Santha Kumar, We will discuss what it means to be digitally intelligent and how we can promote digital intelligence in our children.
Kenn Nesbitt author visit
Poet and performer Kenn Nesbitt will visit CAC in November. You can read his books in ebook format on Overdrive or via the ES library catalog. You will need to use your CAC SSN as the login. Here is a tutorial on accessing the ebooks via the ES library catalog.
Halloween Celebrations: On Oct. 26th, Grade 5 will participate in a number of fun Halloween activities. Students can come to school dressed or partially dressed in their Halloween costume, as long as the costume does not interfere with learning. We will have regular classes during the morning.
At 10:10, students will be dismissed early from their specialist class and can finish putting on their Halloween costumes. Parents are welcome to come and help if it is needed. At 10:30, Grade 5 will visit the photo booth. Students will have a pizza lunch during their regular lunch time. After lunch, Grade 5 will have 4 activities set up in each classroom and will rotate around to each one. Thanks to the Room Parents who are helping with materials for the games! The day concludes with the parade at 2:30-parents are welcome to attend.
At 10:10, students will be dismissed early from their specialist class and can finish putting on their Halloween costumes. Parents are welcome to come and help if it is needed. At 10:30, Grade 5 will visit the photo booth. Students will have a pizza lunch during their regular lunch time. After lunch, Grade 5 will have 4 activities set up in each classroom and will rotate around to each one. Thanks to the Room Parents who are helping with materials for the games! The day concludes with the parade at 2:30-parents are welcome to attend.
Curriculum Corner
Writer's Workshop

Students have been invited and are encouraged to take their writing notebooks around with them where ever they go. You never know when an idea may come to you or a story may be created. We want live and breath like writers!
Reader's Workshop
Math Workshop
This week we spent time practicing the standard algorithm for multiplication of two and three digit whole numbers. This is a skill that students require practice in. Please support your child at home if they require extra support. Also, please ask them to seek help from their teacher if need be. We are always willing to help.
Next week we will begin Module 2 topic C: Decimal Multi-Digit Multiplication. Students will multiply decimal fractions with tenths by multi-digit whole numbers. Conversions and reasoning about answers will be a focus.
Social Studies
We are truly digging into the new Social Studies unit entitled, World Development: A Case Study of Spain as we seek to investigate the provocative essential questions: "How and why did the Spanish empire influence the world? How have past empires influenced the world today?" and the thought-provoking post-thought: Are all empires destined to fail?"
Circle Solutions
We continue to work on building a strong sense of community within our classes.
Your partners in education,
LeeAnn Kasal
Bonnie Greene
Jonathan O'Sullivan
Caitlin Johnson
Your partners in education,
Jonathan O'Sullivan
Caitlin Johnson
Best Wishes :)