Welcome to Trimester Two!
Today we officially begin our second trimester.
We hope everyone enjoyed trimester one
and made some long lasting memories.
We have many great things to look forward to in Trimester Two!
Please find the attached link to 5K Assembly here! Enjoy it if you missed it.

Friday, Nov. 17th - ES Production Performance (1:00-2:30 pm; 3:30 - 5:00pm)
Sunday, Nov. 19th - ES Production Cast Party (3:15 pm - 4:00 pm, ES Hall)
Monday, Nov. 20th - General Services Staff Appreciation Lunch
Math Workshop for Parents 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Math Workshop for Parents 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Wednesday, Nov. 22 - KID'S DAY
Thursday, Nov. 23 - HOLIDAY
Thursday, Nov. 23 - HOLIDAY
Monday, Nov. 27 - HOLIDAY for students due to Parent interviews.
Tuesday, Dec. 5 - 5G assembly. Save the date!
Core Value for November: (repeat)
Kid's Day
This year's Kids' Day will be held on Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017 from 8:00am to 11:30am. Students will then be dismissed at 11:30am for a long Thanksgiving weekend. This is a half day for CAC and Pre K-5 will be participating at the same time. For new parents to the school Kids’ Day is a fun-filled day in which they can show off their house spirit, participate in a wide variety of physical activities, and enjoy each other! The Elementary PE Department needs parent volunteers to help with the games and activities. You will be partnered up with an Elementary Teacher and teacher aide to help run an activity. If you could volunteer on that day, please fill in the (google form) by Thursday November 16th at the latest. Mr. Greene will contact you via e-mail with your assignment by Monday November 20th. Please mark your calendars with the date and time NOW! Thank you, Phil Greene pgreene@cacegypt.org & Mark Mayfield mmayfield@cacegypt.org
General Services Staff Appreciation Lunch
Monday, November 20, 2017
Every year the Elementary, Middle School, and High School Student Councils give thanks to the amazing general services staff at our school by hosting a special lunch. This staff includes: security guards, janitors, gardeners, drivers, bus monitors ,car washers, painters, carpenters, and maintenance. The hard work they do every day really makes our school a better place.
We are grateful to all the general services staff and will be having an appreciation lunch for them.
Date: Monday, November 20, 2017
Location: Middle School Field
Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
We can’t do this alone, we need your help! We are requesting that all students and families show their appreciation for our general service staff by donating the following:
- PreK & KG : Dessert
- 1 & 2: Pasta Dish/Rice or Rice Dish/Bread
- 3 - 5: Meat Dishes
- Grade 6: Meat Dishes
- Grade 7: Meat Dishes
- Grade 8: Vegetables/Side Dish/Salad
- Grade 9-12: Goodie Bags (more information will be sent out from your High School Student Council)
Please bring food donations in a disposable container. Students & parents can drop off their dishes the morning of November 20 in the MS/HS Faculty Lounge. Those who would like to volunteer during the day, please fill in this link. We thank you for your continued support and for giving thanks to all of those who help make CAC the place to be! ES/MS/HS Student Leadership Teams
This months core value is compassion. We will be reading the book "Four Feet, Two Sandals" by Karen Lynn Williams and Khandra Mohammed and talking about compassion in the classrooms and around school. Please check out THIS video of our book this month. Enjoy watching it with your child and discussing the message and theme of the book.
By focusing on their own actions, children can begin to recognize the power they have - their own personal power. Personal power is not about power over someone else or the situation, but power over our own response, feelings and thoughts. When students are able to control their reactions they demonstrate self-confidence and compassion for themselves.
Students will engage in powerful role-plays where they will have the opportunity to practice “keeping their power”. They will practice using an assertive posture and voice tone as they try various methods, such as: agreeing with the person (refusing to engage in an argument), saying “Okay”, using distractions, and walking away.
Guidance Update: Keep Your Power! Say Okay & Walk Away
‘Don’t focus on the negative words you may hear from others; focus on the fact that you have the power to choose how to react!’ – Project Cornerstone
Students will engage in powerful role-plays where they will have the opportunity to practice “keeping their power”. They will practice using an assertive posture and voice tone as they try various methods, such as: agreeing with the person (refusing to engage in an argument), saying “Okay”, using distractions, and walking away.
Curriculum Corner
Reader's & Writer's Workshop
Students at CAC were fortunate to have another wonderful author visit our school. This was especially great for grade five since we have just concluded our poetry unit and have read a great deal of Ken Nesbitt's work. We laughed a lot, wrote a poem and had a well deserved fun session with Ms. Nesbitt.
This week we will launch our new integrated unit based on informational reading! Students will be busy exploring a wide variety of interests, and beginning to use research to increase their knowledge and understanding. This week is all about launching into the world of Non-Fiction reading by exploring a range of interests... topics we know well and want to dig deeper into to further our knowledge AND topics we have always wanted to know more about.
We are comparing and contrasting Fiction vs. Non-fiction reading through various activities such as a Venn diagram discussion about features of Fiction vs. Non-Fiction. This will lead to a review discussion about the different purposes of non-fiction text features and how they can help us as readers to get the information we need for our research writing. We will be continuing to develop note taking skills as we begin reading for information. Jotting will be different but remains an expectation as students read.
In Module 3 students build on earlier work of Grade 4 with equivalent fractions to now add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. One of the goals in Eureka: A Story of Units" is to first give students concrete experiences with mathematical concepts, and then to build slowly toward more abstract representations of those concepts.
In 5th Grade, we move beyond using the area model for multiplication of whole numbers and begin to use this powerful model to illustrate mathematical operations on fractions. The area model is a tool that helps students to make that important leap, and will support students’ learning through algebra and beyond. (see Parent Tip Sheet below). They will move from concrete examples (paper strips and number lines) to abstract skills (writing their own math sentences). By the end of the module, students will fluently work through multi-step word problems that contextualize their learning. The vocabulary needed for this unit will be: denominator, numerator, benchmark fraction (when making comparisons between fractions), like and unlike denominators, equivalent fractions and fractions greater than or equal to one (such as 5/2, 3 2/3 etc.)
Eureka Support: please click on the link below to read through this Parent Tip Sheet for the new unit:
Eureka Support: please click on the link below to read through this Parent Tip Sheet for the new unit:
Social Studies
Students are busy working on their final projects for our unit on World Development. Students are now using their researched facts to write speeches, create slide presentations and draft scripts for role plays. We are all very excited to see the final results!! Will Cortez be able to convince the Aztecs to trade with him? Will the conquistadors convince the Spanish Monarch to give them all they need to explore the New World? Will Montezuma convince Cortez and his people to leave the New World and not return? Only time will tell... It's very important that our young Social Scientists use a persuasive voice as they develop their projects this week- seeing things from the perspective they chose and directing their arguments at their target audience.Circle Solutions:
In circle solutions we will be focusing on the power of kindness. What kinds of words do we use with others and how to we view ourselves and others.
LeeAnn Kasal lkasal@cacegypt.org
Bonnie Greene barmstronggreene@cacegypt.org
Jonathan O'Sullivan josullivan@cacegypt.org
Caitlin Johnson cjohnson@cacegypt.org
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