TWiG5: This Week in Grade 5
Welcome to week 21 of learning, exploring & having fun!!!
The calendar month of January is a great time for all to review classroom expectations and to be the role models for the younger students of CAC. What goals have the students set for themselves and how will they work towards reaching them?! We are all here to help solidify those habits of acting with agency and independence.
It was lovely to see everyone back at school last week and to hear about the exciting holiday activities and travels that were experienced. Our curriculum calendar is in full swing, with culminating projects in Reading/Writing Workshop, as well as Science, moving towards their deadlines in the next two weeks. Efficient and dedicated use of classroom time will bring success.
- Early release day (ERD): Student will be dismissed at 11:30 on Wednesday so that teachers can do some important work around challenge and enrichment. No lunch is served.
- Holiday on Thursday: No school
- MS Transition Activities: Our first set of MS transition activities have been planned. This first phase includes deciding on the Grade 6 elective courses. On Sunday, Jan. 28, the MS counselor will present to the 5th grade students what they can expect in terms of elective choices. This presentation will be followed by a chance to practice using the google form to sign up (this is only a practice using the technology and not actually signing up). On Wednesday, Jan. 31st at 5:00, Mr. Bailey will hold a presentation for ALL parents to explain the MS schedule and course selection process. This meeting will be held in the MS Hall and should take one hour. On Thursday, Feb. 1st, Grade 5 students will have an opportunity to visit some of the elective classes. The classes not visited will be shown on a video that we watch in class. The due date to submit the Course Registration form is Feb. 8th.
- Birthday lunch celebration: Anyone who had a birthday in December or January is invited to celebrate with a special birthday lunch on Monday with the principal.
- Student Leaders: Thank you to the students who have volunteered their time, ideas and effort to make CAC the best place to be! We now have our second group of student leaders. Their first meeting will be on Monday, Jan. 22nd during lunch. Congratulations to Karolina, Hoda, Federica, Alois, AJ and Lily!!!
- Water Bottles: Please remind your child to bring a water bottle each day.
- New Planners: New planners were given to students last week. Please ask to see your child's planner and encourage them to write their homework and important dates inside. Being organized is an important skill that will help students in Middle School next year and this is one way your child can practice.
- HOME READING of 25+ minutes daily can be integrated with our non-fiction unit...Of course fiction reading can also be included. The following website has great non-fiction current event news articles from around the world! You can even adjust the reading level for each article! Non Fiction Articles to Read!!!
- Spelling Bee: See details below
It's Spelling Bee time for grades 3, 4, and 5!
What: Spelling Bee preliminary try-out written test
When: Grade 5 - Monday, Jan. 29
Time: 12:10-12:30
Where: Library classroom
Need anything? No, just courage to "go for it" and give it a try!*Lists of the words were handed out on Thursday
Curriculum Corner
Reading & Writing Integrated Information Unit
Our unit finishes this week so students are busy publishing their informational books, making sure to use text features that may include: photos with captions, diagrams, charts, fact boxes, maps and glossaries. They have been taught proper writing techniques to craft paragraphs composed of a topic sentence stating the main idea, followed by supporting details developing that main idea even further, wrapping up with a concluding sentence that restates the main idea in a slightly different way. A fun video link helps visualize this concept by comparing it to a "hamburger"... It is essential that they "talk like an expert using a teaching tone", so attention is made to the vocabulary used. Students are also being guided to use transition words leading to an expert quote. By using quotations, they are building an idea, highlighting information and giving authority to their writing! Transition words that compare are encouraged: (although, but, however, on the other hand, by comparison, in contrast, yet). By continually reading nonfiction text, students are able to see the various techniques that they can then use in their own writing.
Using the rubric and checklists, students will be checking to see that they have met the requirements and putting the finishing touches on their work. Once students are happy with their revisions, it will be time to do some editing. Checking to see if quotes have been punctuated correctly, looking for run-on sentences, and using commas are areas to look at. Once we have completed the revisions and editing, students will type their books using Lucid Press and print them for others to read, enjoy and learn all about their topic!
We will have a reading/writing celebration across the grade level on Wednesday where students will have an opportunity to read each other's books and leave feedback for the authors.
We will have a reading/writing celebration across the grade level on Wednesday where students will have an opportunity to read each other's books and leave feedback for the authors.
Math Workshop
Please click on the links below for tips on how you can better understand our current topics and help your child with math this module.
This week students will interpret finding a fraction of a set and will continue using tape diagrams to support their understandings. This, in turn, leads students to see division by a whole number as being equivalent to multiplication by its reciprocal. That is, division by 2, for example, is the same as multiplication by .
Students also use the commutative property to relate fraction of a set to repeated addition interpretation of multiplication by a fraction. This offers opportunities for students to reason about various strategies for multiplying fractions and whole numbers. Students apply their knowledge of fraction of a set and previous conversion experiences (with scaffolding from a conversion chart, if necessary) to find a fraction of a measurement, thus converting a larger unit to an equivalent smaller unit (e.g., minutes = 20 seconds and 2 feet = 27 inches).
To refresh your memory, we are in the last two weeks of the unit on Diversity and Adaptation, which has the Guiding Question of: "How do plants and animals adapt to survive in their environment?" In this unit, students have been describing and analyzing diversity, natural selection and adaptations of plants and animals. We continue to investigate the idea that living things change and adapt in order to survive. Using the Big 6 model students are researching the plants and animals living in their chosen biome, as well as identifying the characteristics of the habitat (location, landforms, soil conditions, climate and seasons) and the impact humans have had on that habitat.
The project guidelines outline the various required components, and Mrs. Fitzgerald in the library has made an extensive collection of appropriate research websites. It can be found on the Visual Tab of the Library Catalogue (follow the path: Visual Tab--> Units of Study--> Grade 5--> Biodiversity and Adaptations). Keeping a complete and accurate bibliography of all resources used is a very important skill for all students. Dedicated and efficient use of class time will be the ticket to success over these last two weeks of the unit.
As part of their project, students will participate in a Science Demo Fair. Parents are invited to attend. Save the Date: Sunday, Feb. 4th
As part of their project, students will participate in a Science Demo Fair. Parents are invited to attend. Save the Date: Sunday, Feb. 4th
It is a busy and exciting time in Fifth Grade, where every minute counts. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
Circle Solutions
Circle Solutions is a philosophy for healthy relationships and a pedagogy for teaching them.
It is based in the principles of agency, safety, positivity, inclusion, respect and equality. Each week, classes
sit in a circle and participate in activities that work towards building an environment of respect; where each
student has a voice and where connections are strengthened. This week we have included detailed information on
the principals of circles for anyone who is interested in reading more.
Agency is incorporated in the two Circle Guidelines:
- You can choose to pass. You only say and do what you are comfortable with.
- We will listen to you because what you say is important – this means that you also need to listen to others. This privileges student voice.
Safety is incorporated in the Circle guidelines:
- There are no put-downs, only personal positives.
- You may pass
- A safe distance: safety is embedded in the Circle pedagogy in several ways. Issues are addressed in Circles but never incidents – there is no naming, blaming or shaming. It is not a space for sorting out a problem but a safe environment for defining and designing a class that is a good place to be.
- There are no put downs – only personal positives (or push-ups!)
Inclusion is incorporated in the two Circle guidelines:
- There are no put downs – only personal positives (or push-ups!)
- We listen to each other
Respect is incorporated in the two Circle guidelines:
- When one person is speaking everyone will listen
- There are no put downs.
Equality is incorporated in the Circle guidelines:
- We listen to each other
Equality is also embedded in the Circle pedagogy where participants sit in a Circle together – and everyone in the Circle participates in all the activities – including the facilitator. The quality of facilitation makes all the difference to both long and short-term outcomes for Circles.
Sue Roffey’s Circle Principles
Your Partners in Education,
LeeAnn Kasal:
Bonnie Greene:
Jonathan O'Sullivan:
Caitlin Johnson:
Caitlin Johnson:
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