Sept. 3-7
We hope everyone had a wonderful Eid. It is a short week and we will welcome students back on Tuesday September 5.
Student Leadership Team: The students in grade 5 have an opportunity to be student representatives on the Student Leadership Team.
- We will have 2 representatives (one male and one female) from each class for the first half of the year (Sept-Dec) and 2 different reps for the second part of the year (Jan-June.)
- Reminder-students who are House Captains can not apply.
- Students need to return the APPLICATION form to homeroom teachers by Thursday, September 7th.
- Students will also need to prepare a 1-2 minute speech to present to their class.
- A class vote will determine the reps.
- Application forms are available from your classroom teacher.
Wednesday 6th will be a Sunday Schedule
Students, faculty & staff are invited to draw, paint, sew, or image their self portrait on a banner provided by school. Our self portait banners will be displayed around our division to celebrate each of us and our school community.
We look forward to seeing your creative designs! Please be sure to put your name on your banner and enjoy working on these at home. We ask that the banners are submitted to your class teacher by Tuesday, September 5.
If you have any questions please ask your class teacher.
Best regards
Mrs. Jackson-Jin
Elementary Principal
MAP Assessing MAP assessments are approaching. The dates for the respective assessments are Monday, Sept 11: Language Usage
Wednesday, Sept 13: Reading
Thursday, Sept 14: Maths
Health Screenings On September 12 grade 5 will have their health screenings.
ES school photo will be Tuesday during the assembly
Technology permission forms must be signed and turned in before students may use the technology. Permission forms can be found in the back of the student planners.
The 5th graders had the chance to meet with Mr. Said and learn a little bit about the CAC tortoises. Grade 5 has a tortoise that they can follow and continue to learn about during their time at CAC. We will be voting on a name as a whole grade.

We had a wonderful presentation by Jordan Hatter last week. He spoke about his organization Help4Refugees, told us about his journey and how he continues to help Syrian refugees. Students enjoyed hearing his stories, seeing his pictures and asking him questions. We hope he inspired us all to be a little more generous and aware of global issues.

We had our first house team event this past Tuesday. The house team captains have been working hard on writing a cheer for their house team and spent the last ES assembly teaching their team the cheer. Congrats to those captains and for the house teams for learning the cheers.
Curriculum Corner
Reading Workshop:
They are working on developing reading partners and how to have productive conversations. We can push ourselves as readers during books discussions and asking our partners questions. Students continue to work on 'jotting' while reading and how we can use those notes to assess our growth and dig deeper into our books.
Writing Workshop:
We have launched our narrative unit. Students have been generating ideas by creating list of turning points, people and places that matter and first and last times. We have added emotions to these small moments to help us further develop our personal narrative. Students will begin creating a plan and using graphic organizers to develop their stories.
We have launched our narrative unit. Students have been generating ideas by creating list of turning points, people and places that matter and first and last times. We have added emotions to these small moments to help us further develop our personal narrative. Students will begin creating a plan and using graphic organizers to develop their stories.
Math Workshop:
Students will continue looking at place value charts to understand base 10 units from millions to thousands. We will look at using exponents to name place value units and explain patterns in the placement of a decimal point. Students will continue to apply exponents to metric conversions.
Students will continue looking at place value charts to understand base 10 units from millions to thousands. We will look at using exponents to name place value units and explain patterns in the placement of a decimal point. Students will continue to apply exponents to metric conversions.
Science Inquiry:
Your partners in education,
Mrs. Kasal
Mr. O'Sullivan
Mrs. Greene
Mrs. Johnson
Mr. O'Sullivan
Mrs. Greene
Mrs. Johnson
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