Excitement is in the air as spring break is around the corner...the kids have shared their plans for the break and we wish you all a safe and happy 11 days off!
Don't forget to read over the break!
- Reminders that April 8 & 9 are holidays!
- As we return the Book parade will be on April 10th - the theme will be 'Graphic Novels'.
- We completed our second puberty talk this week.
Reading & Writing Integrated Unit
- Should plastic bottles be banned?
- Should plastic bags be banned?
- Should orca shows be banned?
- Should more resources be put towards space exploration or ocean exploration?
- Should extreme sports be banned?
- Should schools serve chocolate milk?
- Should people be allowed to climb Mount Everest?
Students have been working on developing claims in their writing as they continue with several drafts, practicing strategies such as using 'words that persuade' and supporting claims with reasons and evidence.
Module 5 - This week students begin by reasoning about and working with three-dimensional shapes. They explore cubic units and move toward calculations of volumes of rectangular prisms. Students also extend their two-dimensional work with area to figures with fractional side lengths. This module bridges the Grade 4 work on area with the Grade 6 work on volume and area to come in Middle School.
New vocabulary includes:
Base: one face of a three dimensional
Solid—often thought of as the surface upon which the solid rests
Bisect: divide into two equal parts
Cubic units: cubes of the same size used for measuring
Height: adjacent layers of the base that form a rectangular prism
Hierarchy: series of ordered groupings of shapes
Hierarchy: series of ordered groupings of shapes
Unit cube: cube whose sides all measure 1 unit
Volume of a solid: measurement of space or capacityScience
We are heading into the last week of this unit on Earth changes due to the slow processes of weathering and erosion. The assessment project is the science blog which has been building up, step by step over the weeks, from the students' experiences in the science lab and their expanding knowledge from the classroom and field trip. The students will be given a checklist which they are responsible for completing while managing their time. These blogs will be shared with you at during the May Student-Led Conferences! We will be starting a unit on a Social Studies unit on World Development in Science & Technology in the near future.
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